Sunday, March 21, 2010

Maple Syrup Festivals around the Bruce

Well Spring has officially arrived and that means the snow is melting the days are getting longer and the sap is running. The spring offers an abundance of maple trees being tapped, sap running and being boiled in sugar shacks to make that dark brown liquid we know so well! Is there anything better then local Maple Syrup.

Here are a few taking place in our region:

Purple Valley Maple Syrup Festival
April 3rd - Community Centre 9 km N.E. of Wiarton on Purple Valley Rd

Old Thyme Maple Syrup Festival at the Saugeen Bluffs Conversation Area
March 26-27th– 519.364.1255

Maple Syrup Festival – Chesley – Cedar Rail Camp
Apr 3rd – 519.363.2702

43rd Annual Belmore Maple Syrup Festival
April 8th & 10th – Community Centre – 519.335.3748

Kemble Maple Syrup Festival
April 10th – United Church - 519.370.2087

So over the next few weekends you have the opportunity to take in 1 or all of the festivals in the region! Why not plan to attend them all.

Learn about maple syrup from start to finish, make taffy, see how many pancakes you can eat, and spend time with family and friends enjoying the great outdoors.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bruce County Celebrates March Break

Spring is just around the corner, the snow is melting the birds are singing and kids across the region are getting excited for March Break. They are gearing up and looking forward to enjoying a week off school, and we know they can’t wait to spending time with their family and friends.

Here are a few things to check out around the Bruce next week:

Parks Canada Visotr Centre - Monday March 15 - Saturday March 19th
March Break Kids Program daily 12:30 - 4:00 pm
Grey Cup Coming to Saugeen Shores - Tuesday March 16 & 17th
Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre – 33 Victoria St -519.797.2080
Sea Creature Cookie Decorating Workshop – Thursday March 18th
Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre – 33 Victoria St
Saugeen Youth Pow Wow – Saturday March 20th
James Mason Memorial Centre – 519.797.5000
Formosa Farm Toy Show & Sale - Sunday March 21st
Hwy 9 between Mildmay & Walkerton - 519.392.6207

For more info on great things to see and do over the holiday, contact your local information centre.